


With our A race now nicely chosen (panic!), we can next go about looking for some challenging B and fun C races. We’ll also start working on setting up a more structured training plan in the next few days. However, for now lets just start training. It’s Base Building time. Yippee! We love base building as it gives us an excuse to go slowly, I mean really slowly. We only want to focus on technique and on building up distance.

It looks like there is a bit of a shortage of middle distance races around. Let’s hope UK race organizers will pick-up on this and start putting on a few more races next season.

The Ironman 70.3 UK in Wimbleball sold out within a couple of days of opening registration last autumn! Likewise the Vitruvian in Rutland apparently sold out within days of opening registration earlier this year. Since we would like our Middle Distance race to be our A race we don’t like to chose one too early in the season. So unless you are happy to travel all the way up to Scotland or Cornwall the only choices left are the Big Cow Man on 4th of July or the New Forrest on the 19th of September.

Team-TrigirlOh dear, I must remember to bring my own drink next time as fountains are out of order for obvious reasons…

My tip for running on snow and ice without falling over:

Firstly wear your trail running shoes!

Secondly, you won’t slip on icy surfaces if you pull a pair of old socks over your shoes. The socks may not last very long, probably just one or two runs, so make sure to take a pair that you’ve been wanting to get rid of for a while.

Team-Trigirl2When most of London comes to a stand still because a couple of snow flakes hit the ground, Trigirls won’t be stopped in their training.

London parks are so beautiful in the snow. This was our first ever run in a snow covered Hype Park. What a wonderful experience. Can’t wait to get out again.