
Head Scarf


“Looking for something to fill the gaps in you gear? The new Trigirl winter warmer set is just the ticket.
Including a Tubette scarf and a pair of wrist warmers it’s hard to find something better to give you that little bit of extra warmth on a cold winter’s day.

The versatile Tubette scarf can be worn as a hat or scarf or both. I love wearing it on the bike to extend my cycling top upward beyond my neck, and keeping the draught out. Take that chilly breeze from the North! In fact I like it so much that I’ve stopped wearing my scarf completely – it’s stylish enough that I can get away with wearing it outside of a sporting environment.

– do we really???

Ok – that old myth has apparently been debunked by scientists. But we still want to keep our heads and necks warm when out training in the colder season, for the same reason why we wouldn’t go cycling in a tri suit in winter. Cold ears and a cold throat are simply uncomfortable and can put anyone off training in cold weather.

Trigirl now offers a versatile accessory that helps keep head and neck warm – wear the Trigirl Tubette as a scarf or hat for running or cycling; it’s also long enough to pull over the head and neck at the same time, to keep that chilly draft at bay on any winter bike ride.