A week on from the Trigirl Novice Triathlon Workshop I’m having loads of fun starting out as a triathlete. It’s been a manic week at work with two business trips scheduled in and early starts for my train journeys.
I spent Tuesday totally engrossed on the train in some Triathlete specific magazines only to find Kim featuring in one of them with some tips for novices! I’ve managed to squeeze in a run with a friend, plus I cycled to work on the days I was in the office.
I went to work early on Monday and instead of doing a run like I normally would, I went out on my bike which was totally exhilirating first thing and something I’m looking forward to doing more often. I also squeezed in some strength training and some foam rollering, following some advice from Kim.
Friday I hit my local pool, in the past I get annoyed when it’s busy but I didn’t mind as I thought it would be good experience for the real deal. I asked around at the pool to see if there were adult classes, and it turns out there’s a swim clinic for £5 on a Sunday morning for an hour where coaches give you tips on improving your stroke. I’m definitely going to check that out, hopefully next week.
I’ll keep you updated with my progress!
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