Would you like to win an autographed copy of Chrissie Wellington’s new autobiography, A Life Without Limits? We have one and we’d like to give it to you! (Aren’t we nice?)

For your chance to win, tell us- how do you live your life without limits? All entries received by 30th April will receive a voucher code for 10% off of any full-priced item in Trigirl’s new 2012 line!

Send your entries to marketing@trigirl.co.uk by 30th April for your chance to win. We look forward to hearing your story!


A Life Without Limits: A World Champions Journey by Chrissie Wellington is published by Constable at £18.99. 


  1. susan willshee

    2 years ago I was a project manager working in a highly technical field, travelling the length of the UK every week and working ridiculous hours. Friends and family said I looked ill but I shrugged them off because I felt ok – tired, but ok. Then at a standard healthcheck I was diagnosed coeliac and very anemic so I began the long road of learning what my dietary limits were – particularly as I was already vegetarian and this meant my diet suddenly became ridiculously narrow.
    Instead of bemoaning my new dietary limits, I decided to take all this as a new opportunity. I applied for and received a redundancy package from work and began taking time out to look after myself.
    I began experimenting with cooking – whereas previously the standing joke was that I thought my cooker was just a pretty ornament in the kitchen 🙂
    Now, although my diet is restricted both by personal choice and by necessity, I do feel limitless. I’ve learnt that there are very few recipes I can’t adapt to a veggie / coeliac lifestyle.
    My family love dropping in unexpectedly to visit – although strangely they do seem to turn up around meals times and when they know I’ve been baking!

    So I’d say to anyone who has limits imposed on them – whether it’s time limits due to a job, limits due to health issues, or self imposed limits – decide what is important, make time for yourself, and just enjoy being alive. Limited or not – it’s a great life and we should enjoy it!

  2. Hi Susan,
    thanks so much for sharing your story here. This is a very inspiring read. Thank you!

  3. Kristin

    Thanks again Susan for your ‘Life Without Limits’ story. We love how you don’t let your limiters become limits and how you’ve taken control of your health!

    *We are pleased to announce that you are the winner of Chrissie’s autographed book!*

    Please email us at info(at)trigirl(dot)co(dot)uk to let us know where to send your prize.