Oregon Circuits for Triathlon Training

We’re back to run training this week, but we’re mixing it up with a high-intensity session that works on overall body strength as well as run strength and speed. Once again, you’ll get extra benefits in less time!
Welcome, Trigirls, to Oregon Circuits for triathlon training, Trigirl HITT-style!!

Getting Started

If you’re new to Trigirl’s weekly HITT training, see week one for more information on HITT, how it works and how to approach the sessions. Though high-intensity training has been proven safe, if you are starting a new exercise plan (whether traditional triathlon training or HITT), it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor.

This week we’ve got Oregon Circuits on the agenda. So what are they and how can you use Oregon Circuits for triathlon training?

Oregon Circuits were invented at the University of Oregon by coach Luiz de Oliveira. Combining run intervals with bodyweight strength exercises, they definitely suit our ‘more benefits, less time’ training approach.

Oregon Circuits can be adapted in several ways to make for a great training session, especially in the “off-season”.

Here at Trigirl, we love this workout and complete the session at least once a month!

Warm-up for 10 minutes:
– 8 minutes of gentle jogging
– 2 minutes or more of dynamic stretching to loosen joints and prepare them for the session

Oregon Circuits, HITT-style:

– Complete 2 x 8-minute rounds as below.
– If completed on a track, each run interval should be 200 metres (half-lap). Otherwise, run for one minute between exercises.
– Choose whether your run intervals or your exercise intervals are high-intensity, then do the other as active recovery. Either way, you’ll get a great workout!

Round 1:
Bodyweight squat jumps* x 20
Run 200 metres or one minute
Press-ups (push-ups) x 10
Run 200 metres or one minute
Continue alternating until eight minutes is up.

Round 2:
Tuck jumps x 10
Run 200 metres or one minute
Mountain climbers x 20
Run 200 metres or one minute

Cool down with easy jogging and static stretching

* If you’re not familiar with any of the exercises, try them prior to the workout session to perfect your form. Demonstrations are available here.

And that’s Oregon Circuits for triathlon training!

Happy HITT training!

Oregon Circuits for Triathlon

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